Archives: Resources

Useable item in a lab

SawStop Table Saw

Used for cutting wood and some plastics Specialized safety system to reduce the risk of serious injury Dado blades available for cutting channels in wood

Ring Saw

Used for making straight cuts in composites and other plastics Special Hours: M 2:00-6:00 pm T 3:00-6:00 pm W 2:00-6:00 pm Th 9:00am-6:00pm

Power Supply

Digitally controlled dual 30 volt 3 amp power supplies.

PlasmaCAM CNC Table

Used with the Hypertherm plasma cutter Resolution of 0.0005″ on X and Y axes, 0.002″ on Z 48.5″ x 48.5″ cutting area Larger cuts can be made by indexing the workpiece


Oscilloscopes are used for evaluating the performance of electronic circuits. Dual 500 MHz digital storage oscilloscope Dual 60 MHz digital storage oscillloscope Dual 30 MHz analog oscilloscope

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