Archives: Resources

Useable item in a lab

Rockwell Cast Iron Router

Used for routing edges and doing various slot features in woods and some plastics Rockler ProMax Fence Rockler Pro Router Lift – allows for quick and precise height adjustment of bit Feather Boards Various safety shrouds Variety of router bits

Hot Air Rework Station

Aoyue 968A+ digitally controlled hot air rework torch and soldering iron with fume extraction. Soldering Iron: 70 watts, 200 – 480 celsius Hot Air: 550 watts, 100 – 480 celsius Lead-free solder compatible

Hot Wire Bow

30″ and 40″ bow with adjustable transformer.

Laguna 14|12 Vertical Wood Band Saw

Used for making either straight or curved cuts in wood and some plastics Table can be adjusted to a specific angle Various Jigs and Fixtures for use with the machine

Bosch 12″ Compound Sliding Miter Saw (GCM12SD)

Used for cross-cutting wood stock to length Wood stock only Vertical blade angle adjustable: 52 degrees left, 60 degrees right Built-in adjustable fences and clamps Crosscut up to 3 1/2″ by 13 1/2″ lumber

Dayton Grinding and Polishing Center

Used for cleaning and deburring metal components Used for cleaning and de-burring metal components Wire wheel used for removing rust, gasket material, etc. 2 different roughness stone wheels used for removing material from ferrous metals only Polishing wheel for making smooth surfaces or de-burring softer metals

Composite Press

Digitally controlled, heated composite press Up to 30 ton clamping force 15″ x 15″ heated platens Special Hours: M 2:00-6:00 pm T 3:00-6:00 pm W 2:00-6:00 pm Th 9:00am-6:00pm

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