Material: Metal
Equipment that works with metal
Uni-Hydro Iron Worker
Used for punching, shearing, notching and bending mild steel plate up to 5/8″ thick
Tennsmith Shear
Used for cutting sheet metal and some plastics Up to 16 gauge mild steel
Tennsmith Brake
Used for bending sheet metal and some plastics Up to 12 gauge mild steel
Sunex Shop Press
Used for removing or installing press-fit components 20″ inside width 8.75″ horizontal support depth 5″ stroke
Shop Fox M1099 Lathe
Used for machining symmetrical geometeries in round stock 150 – 2400 rpm 1″ spindle bore 5″ three jaw chuck
PlasmaCAM CNC Table
Used with the Hypertherm plasma cutter Resolution of 0.0005″ on X and Y axes, 0.002″ on Z 48.5″ x 48.5″ cutting area Larger cuts can be made by indexing the workpiece
Next Engine 3D Laser Scanner
Used to create a 3D mesh representation of an object that can be imported in SolidWorks
Milltronics VM-15 CNC Mill
Used for quickly machining complex components out of metal stock Optional 4th axis allows roation in small increments Bed travels 25″ x 16″ x 20″ Uses MasterCAM .NC code