Universal Laser Cutter ILS12.150D

The College of Design has three laser cutters, located in room 426 Design (The Output Center). The laser cutters are open to use by students, faculty, and staff, as long as the required online training has been successfully completed. CORE students in Design are not eligible for laser cutter training, due to the nature of the CORE program.

Laser Cutter Fees: $0.10/minute, plus materials.


To gain access to the online training, please send an email to dsn_lasertraining@iastate.edu, with the subject line, “Lasercutter Training Request”. You will receive a confirmation email once you have been added to the site. Requests received between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on weekdays are generally handled within an hour. Please allow plenty of time to complete the training before you intend to cut. Information contained within the training may affect your project ideas, so do NOT expect to cut the same day you request or complete your training.

Laser Cutter Specifications:

All three laser cutters are made by Universal, and have a bed size of 32″ x 18″. Our laser cutters can accommodate materials up to 1/8 of an inch thick. Material settings have been tested for the following materials and thicknesses:

1/16 in. acrylic
1/16 in. basswood
1/16 in. chipboard
1/16 in. taskboard
3/32 in. taskboard
1/32 in. acrylic
1/32 in. chipboard
1/32 in. taskboard
1/32 in. veneer
1/8 in. acrylic
1/8 in. basswood
1/8 in. taskboard
art paper
canson paper
freezer paper
heavy matte paper






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